I love 2 Live Crew, I love Miami Bass and I respect Luther Campbell for standing up against the Broward County, FL sheriff and its efforts to censor him. For anyone not familiar with 2 Live Crew, I recommend watching the 30 for 30 documentary The U, which covers Luther Campbell as much as it does the Miami Hurricanes. After buying this compilation, I learned that the record label responsible for it, L’il Joe Records, is shamefully threatening litigation against Mr. Mixx for even using the 2 Live Crew name or playing this music despite the fact that he created it. But I got this compilation for $1 secondhand, and that’s worth it just for six minutes of Get It Girl, never mind tracks like the superb Me So Horny and Banned in the U.S.A. I can throw this on any time. Shout out to Billy Corben’s The U. 2 Live Crew are amazing.