“Pink Floyd” recorded this album without Roger Waters, who left the band a couple years earlier but spent many after that fighting the band and CBS Records in court before resigning and relenting the name. David Gilmour and Nick Mason recorded it mostly on Gilmour’s houseboat, which was turned into a studio. As a result, it sounds a lot like music rich men would record to fund their planes and rich person things. Everything does sound incredible though, the sounds are immaculately produced. And Gilmour plays a great guitar, though it’s not among the best Pink Floyd albums. It’s not terrible, but the audience for this album is weak and getting weaker.
Still, I like it, I think Learning To Fly is a great song and every Pink Floyd album is worth a listen. I’m just saying you’re not going to find a lot of people that have an opinion on this album and every one who listens to it has one. Mine is mostly positive even though it isn’t nearly as memorable as much of the bands other work and definitely not the album to listen to first.