Columbus, Ohio’s RJD2 followed up Deadringer with 2004’s Since We Last Spoke, and although it did not receive as many favorable reviews as his debut it is still a very good record. Much like DJ Shadow, RJD2 ventures into different territory for his sophomore album and away from sample-heavy instrumental hip-hop, with fewer immediate tracks standing out as on Deadringer. There are more straightforward rockers and soul songs as Since We Last Spoke dwells in the sounds of the 70s, like “Clean Living” built around a groove from fellow Ohio artist Pure Essence’s “Third Rock”. The double LP starts with a heavy first side, first disc and mellows out in the middle before moving into power-pop territory with “Through the Walls”. Perfect for playing in the background during a little get-together but not background music, highlights on this satisfying album include 1976, Making Days Longer and Clean Living.